Thursday, November 17, 2005

a quick tangental aside

D directed me to and I found myself taking all manner of quizzes instead of putting together my course of study for my Ph.D applications. As I result, I have discovered that

I am Mexican Food.
My sexy Brazilian name is Fernanda Cabral.
My musical tastes match those of Jennifer Garner.
In a past life, I was a charming executor of sacrifices, who lived on Cyprus, but died of consumption.

Thank you. That is all.

1 comment:

  1. -I am only 20% weird.
    -My brain looks like green circles.
    -In another life I was a gentle, West African Chief who died of consumption (see! I do have a delicate constitution!).
    -Jennifer Garner shares my musical tastes.
    -My Hawaiian name is Alohilani Laka.
    -I am mexican food.
    -I'm only somewhat Machiavellian.
    -And the movie of my life would be a cult classic along the lines of Office Space, Showgirls, and The Big Lebowski.
