Monday, June 05, 2006

we now return you to your regularly scheduled programming

Today's soundtrack:
Twin Cinema by the New Pornographers

Let me say this first: no matter how appealing it looks, drunk yoga is not advisable. Ever.

In other news, I've been noticing that Mark Rogstad (of local CTV News fame) is sporting better hair (marginally) and funky glasses (although only when he's on location). I have several theories about this, but the most likely reason is that he's just tired of being mistaken for his annoying younger brother (I assume younger, anyway) who can't seem to go a newscast without making some embarrassing and widely inappropriate remark.

I tried Googleling for a picture in order to show Mark's transition from awkwardly embarrassed older brother to Diva's frequent flyer chic, but was somewhat tragically unsuccessful.

Furthermore, in between editing, revising, and vomiting over my excuse for a chapter, I caught glimpses of Spirit Bear on CTV. Shudder. You know, I lived in a logging household in BC during this whole thing, and honestly, I've never heard of this kid. As a result, while the credits rolled, I actually shook my fist at the TV. Miguelito claims I'm biased, but I prefer to think that I'm just slightly skewed. Content aside, though, this movie was terrible. When is Canada's movie industry (and yes, I know this was a movie of the week type of deal) going to produce something that's actually enjoyable to watch? If I had to see that damned kid look into the distance and spiritually commune with the bear one more time, I was going to go watch The Da Vinci Code in order to cleanse my palette of such filth.

Thank you. That is all.


  1. Do you think Jeff is actually the younger sibling? I thought Mark was. Maybe he just looks more inexperienced. I have yet to see these funky glasses, but I'll keep an eye out.

  2. Drunken yoga ... I know what that's code for ... squeak, squeak, squeak ... just like your neighbors upstairs.

    Roggie Jr. scares me a lot, especially that creepy smile. He's a killer for sure. Serial. Yo.
