Thursday, September 11, 2008

kate versus the ladybug

Today's soundtrack:
"Be Mine" by R.E.M.
Ninth Symphony by Beethoven

Outside my office window the trees are just starting to go a little yellow. In a few more weeks I'll be able to see Thorv again. It's one of those absolutely glorious, blue-skied September days, but not because of anything I'm doing, though. I've been sitting in my office reading up on eighteenth-century beliefs about sensibility and the body and, occasionally, keeping tabs on a ladybug that heard from the fly that there might be some kind of way out of here.

I've been getting up at 6:30am (okay, for the past couple days, 7am, but still!) and putting in a real day's work. I think this might be the secret to academic success because I seem to be getting a lot done. More than that ladybug, anyway. My point is this: today, life is damned good.

Here's a sneak peak at my sister's socks:

They are ridiculously pink. Almost blindingly pink. She'll love 'em.

P.S. - Happy Birthday, Dad!


  1. 6:30am?! At the risk of sounding like every upstart under the age of 25, DUDE! What are you doing?

    You have shaken the foundations of the truths I knew to be Kate.

    Tell me your caffeine intake has skyrocketed, please?

  2. yeah, it's a little excessive, no? but damned if it's not working. i'm getting a lot done. what's more is that it's actually nice before noon. the sun is out and everything!

    well, until winter hits and the sun comes out for 5 minutes in the afternoon....
